Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Day 1 - Exploring Airports (February 25, 2023)

 OAJ (Jacksonville, NC), to CLT (Charlotte, NC), to JFK International Airport, (NY, NY) to the Sky

When we travel, I usually keep a handwritten travel journal.  This began when we received a sweet journal on one of our cruises.  This journal has been beneficial when travelling to repeat places, whether it be ourselves or others.  We can refer to the journals to remind us of the name of restaurants, travel companions and places visited.  Perhaps, we want to recommend that restaurant or travel guide and can accurately relay the information when we cannot remember specific details.  With unique trips coming up in our future, we decided to expand those journals to digital ones and share with you!  You can now review our journal for recommendations, or you can live vicariously through us as we “March Around the Globe”.

Our trip began from our local regional airport, Albert J Ellis Airport, Onslow County, North Carolina -OAJ.  We appreciate the proximity of OAJ to our home along with the simplicity of flying from a regional.  There are drawbacks.  One drawback is that there are only two airlines which fly from OAJ – American Airlines and Delta Airlines.  This means that we either fly through Charlotte-Douglas International Airport (CLT) or Atlanta-Hartford International Airport (ATL).  When moving to Jacksonville, NC, in 2016, we knew that it would be best to choose one airline in order to maximize loyalty points, frequent flyer miles and the such.  We chose American Airlines and for the most part have been extremely happy.

The flight was leaving OAJ at 6:45am.  Our wake-up time was 4am to leave the house by 5am.  We would check in at least one hour in advance of the flight and allowing time to go through Security.  TSA takes their job very seriously even though it is a regional airport.  Both of us have experienced full pat-downs and our carry-on being reviewed during various trips. 

During check-in, we requested to be placed on stand-by for an earlier flight from CLT to JFK.  The current flight would have us landing at JFK at 6:30pm with 8:45pm departure from JFK to EZE (Buenos Aires, Argentina).  Plus, we would be spending 10 hours at CLT.  We preferred to break up the layover time between the 2 airports.  The ticket agent placed on stand-by for the 2pm flight to JFK and even let us know which gate it was scheduled departure.  Now we could head to TSA to process for the OAJ to CLT flight.

This morning, we were excited to see that TSA had recently installed new state of the art scanners for carry-ons.  There were two and look akin to an MRI scanner.  No issues getting through security plus we were able marvel at this new technology.

Our flight boarded on time however there was a delay in taking off due to the weather.  This did not stress us because of the 10-hour layover.  Even if we were to make the earlier flight, there was still plenty of time between the flights.  The captain was accurate, and we left 30 minutes after planned.  There was turbulence due to the weather however the flight crew handled it well, landing the plane safely at CLT.  Other passengers were scrambling to make connections though for once we could leisurely locate the Admiral’s Club Lounge for American Airlines to relax for the morning.

Our ability to access the Lounge was due to our status with American Airlines.  Others can access this lounge and a few of the other lounges by purchasing day passes.  When you have a long layover, it is a wonderful benefit with complimentary beverages and snacks along with free Wi-Fi, lounge seating and some even have showers.

This morning, Avocado Toast was a specialty in the Lounge.  The Lounge was a nice base camp for us.  One of us would go for a walk within the Airport to stretch our legs and exercise while the other would stay with the carry-on items and work.  We were making the best use of Wi-Fi while it was accessible.

Close to the time that our stand-by flight was boarding, we proceeded to that gate with high hopes of making the earlier flight.  We had been watching our status in the American Airlines app.  We were numbers 1 and 2 on the Stand-By List.  It was like a lottery – hoping that your number would be called.  There was a list of current passengers waiting for upgrades.  We knew that if a passenger would be upgraded, their seat would open allowing us the possibility of getting on the flight.  Not only that, it was possible that the person be upgraded would be moved from a nice seat which also benefit us.

Watching the Stand-by list, one passenger who was lower on the list received a check – they were given a seat before us.  There were several American Airlines crews who were on stand-by.  It is important for crew to get their appropriate location to work.  Watching the app, it showed that Jerry was assigned a seat, but Virginia had not.  Then our names were called – Yes!  We both received seats on the earlier flight and they were Exit Row seats.  This meant more legroom.  We were not sitting next to each other, but we were on the plane!   Virg received a window seat which she loves – being able to watch the terrain change along with taking pictures.  We were so excited about getting on the flight that we did not think about our luggage.  That should not have been our concern – airlines staff should have that under control.  Or so we thought.

Our flighted land at JFK at 3pm.  There was turbulence again due to the weather though the flight crew handled it with ease.  Our afternoon was spent in one of the Admiral’s Club Lounges where we enjoyed the Wi-Fi, snacks, and lounge furniture. 

Our daughter, Melanie, was flying from Columbus, Ohio, to JFK and would be on the same flight to Buenos Aires with us.  Her flight arrived without issue at 4:30pm.  Excited to be traveling with both of our daughters.  Jenna would be meeting us in BA.  Growing up, we were intentional with providing them with learning opportunities through travel.  Early vacations would be centered around trips to and with family in Florida, Hilton Head Island, then we slowly expanded into cruises with them.  Our first international flight out of the States and the Caribbean was a London/Paris trip in 2013 to celebrate their graduations from college and high school.  Let’s just say that they have wander lust like their parents and are always ready for an adventure.

The rest of our time spent at JFK was in the lounge and having dinner.  During this time, we realized that our luggage had not been on our early flight to JFK – it was still sitting in CLT.  We were not concerned because there was still our original flight coming to JFK.  Our luggage would be on that flight and still make the connection at JFK.  Ideally, that is what should have happened.  That is what would have happened if the flight from CLT to JFK was not delayed and would be arriving after our flight was scheduled to leave.  We brought this to the attention of American Airlines Customer Service who told us that there was nothing that they could do.  We would have to work with AA Customer Service in BA.

The flight from JFK to EZE was 9 hours which stretched to 10 due to turbulent weather.  Our seats were a bit more spacious than some Economy however not much.  There was an empty seat in our row which allowed additional space but not much.  It was difficult to sleep even though the flight left at 8:45pm which was close to our normal bedtime.  We each slept the best that we could under the circumstances.

For those who may use a CPAP, Jerry uses one and was able to plug it in while sleeping on the plane.  There were difficulties with the device staying plugged in.  Every time the passenger ahead of us moved, the CPAP would unplug.  The device was also very bulky.  Needless to say, Jerry will be looking into a portable unit before our next trip.



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